Saturday, January 19, 2019

Metals And Non Metals

Physical Properties of Metals And Non Metals

Have you ever observed a blacksmith beating an iron piece or an article made up of iron like a spade, a shovel, an axes, etc? Do you find a change in the shape of these articles on beating? Would you expect a similar change if we try to a wood log?
The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is  called malleability.  The property of metal by which they can be drawn into wires is called ductility.
The metals that produce a sound on striking a hard surface are said to be sonorous.
The materials which are generally hard lustrous, malleable, ductile, sonorous and good conductor of electricity are called metals. Examples of metals are iron, copper, aluminium, magnesium etc.
The material like coal, sulphur are soft and dull in appearance, breakdown into powdery mess on tapping  with hammer, are not sonorous and are poor  conductor of heat and electricity. These material are called  non metals. Examples of non metal are sulphur, carbon, oxygen, phosphorus etc.

Use Of Metals And Non Metals


  • Metals are used in making machinery, bodies of aeroplanes, ships,  buses, cars, trucks.
  • They are used for power  transmission. Being good conductor of electricity metals like aluminium and copper are used for making transmission cable.
  • Metals are used for making household, utensils, cans for drinks, tubes for toothpaste, picture frame, trays etc.
  • Metals are used as packing and decorating materials.
  • Metals are used in the manufacture of silver paints.
  • They are used in water boiler and as a  reducing agent.

    Non Metals

  • Non metals essential for our life which all living being inhale during breathing.
  • Non metals used in fertilizers to enhance the growth of plants.
  • Non metals used in water purification process.
  • The purple colored solution which is applied on wounds as  an antiseptic.
  • Non metals used  in  crackers.
Non metals like hydrogen is used in the manufacture of vegetable ghee like, Dalda, Gagan, Rath etc.

Difference Of Metals And Non Metals


Metals are generally hard and solid except mercury which is liquid at room temperature.
Metals are malleable, i.e.they can be beaten into thin sheets.
Metals are  ductile, i.e. they  can be drawn into wires.
Metals are sonorous, i.e. they produce sound when hit with a hard object.
Examples of metals are iron, aluminium, gold, silver etc.

Non Metals

Non metals are generally soft except diamond, which is the hardest natural substance known.
Non metals are not malleable, they cannot be beaten with a  hammer to form thin sheets.
Non metals are actually brittle(break easily), they cannot be drawn into wires.
Non metals are bad conductors of electricity and heat.
Non metals are  non sonorous.
Examples of non metals are  carbon, oxygen, phosphorus etc.

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