Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How artificial intelligence is changing science

How artificial intelligence is changing science

No human or team of humans, could possibly keep up with the avalanche of information produced by many of today's physics and astronomy experiments. Some of them record terabytes of data every day and the torrent is only increasing. The Square Kilometer Array, a radio telescope slated to switch on in the mid-2020 s, will generate about as much data traffic each year as the entire internet.

The deluge has many scientists turning to artificial intelligence for help. With minimal human input, AI systems such as artificial neural networks computer simulated networks of neurons that mimic the function  of brains can plow through mountains of data, highlighting anomalies and detecting patterns that humans could never have spotted. 

Of course, the use of computers to aid in scientific research goes back about 75 years, and the method of manually poring over data in search of meaningful patterns originated millennia earlier. But some scientists are arguing that the latest techniques in machine learning and AI represent a fundamentally new way of doing science. One such approach, known as generative modeling, can help identify the most plausible theory among competing explanations for observational data, based solely on the data and importantly without any programmed knowledge of what physical processes might be at work in the system under study. Proponents of generative modeling see it as novel enough to be considered a potential "third way" of learning about the universe.

Traditionally, we've learned about nature through observation. Think of Johannes Kepler poring over Tycho Brahe's tables of planetary positions and trying to discern the underlying pattern. Science has also advanced through simulation. An astronomer might model the movement of the Milky Way and its neighboring galaxy, Andromeda and predict that they'll collide in a few billion years. Both observation and simulation help scientists generate hypotheses that can then be tested wit further observations. Generative modeling differs from both of these approaches.

"It's basically a third approach, between observation and simulation an astrophysicist and one of generative modeling's most enthusiastic proponents, who worked until recently at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. "It's a different way to attack a problem."

Some scientists see generative modeling and other new techniques simply as power tools for doing traditional science. But most agree that AI is having an enormous impact, and that its role in science will only grow. Brian Nord, an astrophysicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory who uses artificial neural networks to study the cosmos, is among those who fear there's nothing a human scientist does that will be impossible to automate. "It's a bit of a chilling thought," he said.

Discovery by Generation 

Ever since graduate school, Schawinski has been making a name for himself in data-driven science. While working on his doctorate, he faced the task of classifying thousands of galaxies based on their appearance. Because no readily available software existed for the job, he decided to crowd source it - and so the Galaxy Zoo citizen science project was born. Beginning in 2007, ordinary computer users helped astronomers by logging their best guesses as to which galaxy belonged in which category, with majority rule typically leading to correct classifications. The project was a success, but as Schawinski notes, AI has made it obsolete: "Today, a talented scientist with a background in machine learning and access to cloud computing could do the whole thing in an afternoon."

Schawinski turned to the powerful new tool of generative modeling in 2016. Essentially , generative modeling asks how likely it is, given condition X, that you'll observe outcome Y. The approach has proved incredibly potent and versatile. As an example, suppose you feed a generative model a set of images of human faces, with each face labeled with the person's age. As the computer program combs through these "training data," it begins to draw a connection between older faces and an increased likelihood of wrinkles. Eventually it can "age" any face that it's given- that is, it can predict what physical changes a given face of any age is likely to undergo.

None of these faces is real. The faces in the top row and left-hand column were constructed by a generative adversarial network using building-block elements of real faces. The generative adversarial network then combined basic features of the faces in row, including their gender, age and face shape, with finer features of faces in column, such as hair color and eye color, to create all the faces in the rest of the grid.

The best-known generative modeling systems are "generative adversarial networks." After adequate exposure to training data, a generative adversarial network can repair images that have damaged or missing pixels, or they can make blurry photographs sharp. They learn to infer the missing information by means of a competition: One part of the network, known as the generator, generates fake data, while a second part, the discriminator, tries to distinguish fake data from real data. As the program runs, both halves get progressively better. You may have seen some of the hyper-realistic, generative adversarial network produced "faces" that have circulated recently-images of "freakishly people who don't actually exist," as one headline put it.

More broadly, generative modeling takes sets of data and breaks each of them down into a set of basic, abstract building blocks-scientists refer to this as the data's "latent space." The algorithm manipulates elements of the latent space to see how  this affects the original data and this helps uncover physical processes that are at work in the system.

The idea of a latent  space is abstract and hard to visualize, but as a rough analogy, think face. Perhaps you notice hairstyle, nose shape and so on, as well as patterns you can't easily put into words. The computer program is similarly looking for salient features among data: Though it has no idea what a mustache is or what gender is, if it's been trained on data sets in which some quickly deduce a connection.

In a paper published in December in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Schawinski and his Zurich colleagues generative modeling to investigate the physical changes that galaxies undergo as they evolve. Their model created artificial data sets as a way of testing hypotheses about physical processes. They asked, for instance, how the "quenching" of star formation-a sharp reduction in formation rates-is related to the increasing density of a galaxy's environment.

For Schawinski, the key question is how much information about stellar and galactic processes could be teased out of the data alone. "Let's erase everything we know about astrophysics," he said. "To what degree could we rediscover that knowledge, just using the data itself?"

First, the galaxy images were reduced to their latent space; then, Schawinski could tweak one element of that space in a way that corresponded to a particular change in the galaxy's environment-the density of its surroundings for example. Then he could re-generate the galaxy and see what differences turned up. "So now I have a hypothesis-generation machine," he explained. "I can take a whole bunch of galaxies that are originally in a low density environment and make them look like they're in a high-density environment, by this process." Schawinski, Zhang saw that, as galaxies go from low-to high-density environments, they become redder in color, and their stars become more centrally concentrated. This matches existing observations about galaxies, Schawinski said. The question is why this is so.

The next step, Schawinski says, has not yet been automated: "I have to come in as a human, and say, 'OK, what kind of physics could explain this effect?" For the process in question, there are two plausible explanations: Perhaps galaxies become redder because of a decline in star formation. With a generative model, both ideas can be put to the test: Elements in the latent space related to dustiness and star formation rates are changed to see how this affects galaxies color. "And the answer is clear," Schawinski said. Redder galaxies are "where the star formation had dropped, not the ones where the dust changed. So we should favor that explanation.

The approach is related to traditional simulation, but with critical differences. A simulation is "essentially assumption-driven," Schawinski said. "The approach is to say, 'I think I know what the underlying physical laws are that give rise to everything that I see  in the system.' So I have a recipe for star formation, I have a recipe for how dark matter behaves, and so on. I put all of my hypothesis in there, and I let the simulation run. And then I ask: Does that look like reality?" What he's done with generative modeling he said, is  "in some sense, exactly the opposite of a simulation. We don't know anything; we don't want to assume anything. We want the data itself to tell us what might be going on.

The apparent success of generative modeling in a study like this obviously doesn't mean that astronomers and graduate students have been made redundant-but it appears to represent a shift in the degree to which learning about astrophysical objects and processes can be achieved by an artificial system that has little more at its electronic fingertips than a vast pool of data. "It's not fully automated science-but it demonstrates that we're capable of at least in part building the tools that make the process of science automatic," Schawinski said. Generative modeling is clearly powerful, but whether it truly represents a new approach to science is open to debate. For David Hog, a cosmologist at New York University and the Flatiron Institute the technique is impressive but ultimately just a very sophisticated way of extracting patterns from data-which is what astronomers have been doing for centuries. In other words, it's an advanced form of observation plus analysis. Hog's own work, like Schawinski's, leans heavily on AI; he's been using neural networks to classify stars according to their spectra and to infer other physical attributes of stars using data-driven models. But he sees his work, as well as Schawinski's as tried and true science. "I don't think it's a third way," he said recently. "I just think we as a community are becoming far more sophisticated about how we use the data. In particular, we are getting much better at comparing data to data. But in my view,  my work is still squarely in the observational mode."

Hardworking Assistants

Whether they're conceptually novel or not, it's clear that AI and neural networks have come to play a critical role in contemporary astronomy and physics research. At the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies  the physicist Kai Polesterer heads the astroinformatics group a team of researchers focused on new, data-centered methods of doing astrophysics. Recently, they've been using a machine-learning algorithm to extract red shift information from galaxy data sets, a previously arduous task. 

Polsterer sees these new AI-based system as "hardworking assistants" that can comb through data for hours on end without getting bored or complaining about the working conditions. These systems can do all the tedious grunt work, he said, leaving you "to do the cool, interesting science on your own."

But they're not perfect. In particular, Polsterer cautions, the algorithms can only do what they've been trained to do. The system is "agnostic" regarding the input. Give it a galaxy and the software can estimate its red shift and its age  but feed that same system a selfie, or a picture of a rotting fish and it will output a age for that too. In the end, oversight by a human scientist remains essential, he said. "It comes back to you the researcher. You're the one in charge of doing the interpretation.

For his part, Nord at Fermilab, cautions that it's crucial that neural networks deliver not only results, but also error bars to go along with them, as every undergraduate is trained to do. In science, if you make a measurement and don't report an estimate of the associated error, no one will take the results seriously.

Like many AI researchers, Nord is also concerned about the impenetrability of results produced by neural networks; often, a system delivers an answer without offering a clear picture of how that result was obtained.

Yet not everyone feels that a lack of transparency is necessarily a problem. Lenka Zdeborova a researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at CEA Saclay in France, points out that human intuitions are often equally impenetrable. You look at a photograph and instantly recognize a cat "but you don't know how you know," she said. "Your own brain is in some sense a black box."

It's not only astrophysicist and cosmologists who are migrating toward AI-fueled, data-driven science. Quantum physicists like Roger Melko of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo in Ontario have used neural networks to solve some of the toughest and most important problems in that field, such as how to represent the mathematical "wave function" describing a many-particle system. AI is essential because of what Melko calls "the exponential curse of dimensionality." That is the possibilities for the form of a wave function grow exponentially with the number of particles in the system it describes. The difficulty is similar to trying to work out the best move, imagining what your opponent will play, and then choose the best response, but with each move, the number of possibilities proliferates.

Of course, AI systems have mastered both of these games chess, decades ago, and go in 2016, when an AI system called Alpha Godefeated a top human player. They are similarly suited to problems in quantum physics, Melko says. 

The Mind of the Machine

Whether Schawinski is right in claiming that he's found a "third way" of doing science, or whether, as Hog says, it's  merely traditional observation and data analysis "on steroids," it's clear AI is changing the flavor of scientific discovery, and it's certainly accelerating it. How far will the AI revolution go in science? 

Occasionally, grand claims are made regarding the achievements of a "scientists." A decade ago, an AI robot chemist named Adam investigated the genome of baker's yeast and worked out which genes are responsible for making certain amino acids. Wired's headline read, "Robot Makes Scientific Discovery All by Itself."\

To be creative, you have to dislike being bored. And I don't think a computer will ever feel bored.

More recently, Lee Cronin, a chemist at the University of Glasgow, has been using a robot to randomly mix chemicals, to see what sorts of new compounds are formed. Monitoring the reactions in real-time with a mass spectrometer, a nuclear magnetic resonance machine, and an infrared spectrometer, the system eventually learned to predict which combinations would be the most reactive. Even if it doesn't lead to further discoveries, Cronin has said, the robotic system could allow chemists to speed up their research by about 90 percent. 

last year, another team of scientists as ETH Zurich used neural networks to deduce physical laws from sets of data. Their system, a sort of robo-Kepler, rediscovered the heliocentric model of the solar system from records of the position of the sun and mars in the sky, as seen from Earth and figured out the  law of conservation of momentum by observing colliding balls. Since physical laws can often be expressed in more than one way, the researchers wonder if the system might offer new ways perhaps simpler ways of thinking about known laws.

These are all examples of AI kick-starting the process of scientific discovery, though in every case, we can debate just how revolutionary the new approach is. Perhaps most controversial is the question of how revolutionary the new approach is. Perhaps most controversial is the question of how much information can be gleaned from data alone-a pressing question in the age of stupendously large piles of it. In The Book of Why, the computer scientist Judea Pearl and the science writer Dana Mackenzie assert that data are "profoundly dumb." Questions about causality "can never be answered from data alone," they write. "Anytime you see a paper or a study that analyzes the data in a model-free way, you can be certain that the output of the study will merely summarize and perhaps transform, but he described the idea of working with "data alone" as "a bit of a straw man." He's never claimed to deduce cause and effect that way, he said. "I'm merely saying we can do more with data than we often conventionally do."

Another oft-heard argument is that science requires creativity and that-at least so far-we have no idea how to program that into a machine. "Coming up with a theory, with reasoning, I think demands creativity," Polsterer said. "Every time you need creativity, you will need a human." And where does creativity come from? Polsterer suspects it is related to boredom something that, he says, a machine cannot experience. "To be creative, you have to dislike being bored. And I don't think a computer will ever feel bored." On the other hand, words like "creative" and "inspired" have often been used to describe programs like Deep Blue and Alphago. and the struggle to describe what goes on inside the "mind" of a machine is mirrored by the difficulty we have in probing our own thought processes.

Schawinski recently left academia for the private sector; he now runs a startup called Modulus which employs a number of ETH scientists and according to its website, works "in the eye of the storm of developments in AI and machine learning." Whatever obstacles may lie between current AI technology and full-fledged artificial minds, he and other experts feel that machines are poised to do more and more of the work of human scientists. Whether there is a limit remains to be seen.

"Will it be possible, in the foreseeable future, to build a machine that can discover physics or mathematics that the brightest humans alive are not able to do on their own, using biological hardware?" Schawinski wonders. "Will the future of science eventually necessarily be driven by machines that operate on a level that we can reach? I don't know. It's a good question."

Monday, April 8, 2019

Deep groundwater may generate surface streams on Mars

Deep groundwater may generate surface streams on Mars

Deep groundwater may generate surface streams on Mars

In mid-2018, researchers supported by the Italian Space Agency detected the presence of  a deep-water lake on Mars under its south polar ice caps. Now, researchers at the USC Arid Climate and water Research Center have published a study that suggests deep groundwater could still be active on Mars and could originate surface streams in some near-equatorial areas on Mars.

The researchers at USC have determined that groundwater likely exists in a broader geographical area than just the poles of Mars and that there is an active system, as deep as 750 meters, from which groundwater comes to the surface through cracks in the specific craters they analyzed.

Heggy, who is a member of the Mars Express Sounding radar experiment MAR SIS probing Mars subsurface, and co-author Abotalib Z Abotalib, a postdoctoral research associate at USC, studied the characteristics of Mars Recurrent Slope Linea, which are akin to dried, short streams of water that appear on some crater walls on Mars.

Scientists previously thought these features were affiliated with surface water flow or close subsurface water flow.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Product News: Rigaku to Feature Latest Analytical Instrumentation at Pitt con 2019

Product News: Rigaku to Feature Latest Analytical Instrumentation at Pitt con 2019

 The Product News: Rigaku to feature latest analytical instrumentation at pittcon

Rigaku Corporation has announced its attendance at the 70th annual Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy held Sunday March 17 through Thursday, March 21, 2019 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA USA.

Pitt con is the world's leading annual conference and exposition on laboratory science, keeping the scientific community connected to significant ongoing developments and new instrumentation. It attracts attendees from industry, academia and government from over 90 countries worldwide. Rigaku provides the world's most complete line of X-ray analytical instruments and will be exhibiting their diverse line of X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and handheld Raman and  LIBS instrumentation at the conference together at booth number 3151.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Heart Guidelines Rarely Backed by Good Science

Heart Guidelines Rarely Backed by Good Science

Heart Guidelines Rarely Backed by good science

Friday, March 15, 2019 Precious few treatment guidelines for heart patients are supported by the best scientific evidence, a new study shows.

Less than one in 10 recommendations are based on results from multiple randomized controlled trails and that percentage has actually dropped in the past decade, the researchers reported.

For the study, the investigators analyzed the evidence behind more than 6,300 treatment recommendations for managing heart-related conditions-- such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.

The recommendations are categorized by the amount of evidence supporting them. Level A means evidence came from multiple randomized controlled trials. Level B means that  evidence came from a single randomized controlled trial or observational studies and Level C means the recommendation is based only on expert opinion.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Fossils News

Major corridor of Silk Road already home to high mountain herders over 4,000 years ago 

Major corridor of Silk Road already home to high mountain herders over 4000 years ago

Using ancient proteins and DNA recovered from tiny pieces of animal bone, archaeologists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberia have discovered evidence that domestic animals cattle, sheep, and goat made their way into the high mountain corridors of southern Kyrgyzstan more than four millennia ago, as published in a study in PLOS ONE.

Monday, March 11, 2019

New surprises from Jupiter and Saturn

New surprises from Jupiter and Saturn

New surprises from Jupiter and Saturn

The latest data sent back by the Juno and Cassini spacecraft from giant gas planets Jupiter and Saturn have challenged a lot of current theories about how planets in our solar system form and behave.

The detailed magnetic and gravity data have been "invaluable but also confounding," said David Stevenson from Cal-tech, who will present an update of both missions this week at the 2019 American Physical Society March Meeting in Boston.

"Although there are puzzles yet to be explained, this is already clarifying some of our ideas about how planets form, how they make magnetic fields and how the winds blow," Stevenson said.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Study Suggests Prospect of Recent Underground Volcanism on Mars

Study Suggests Prospect of Recent Underground Volcanism on Mars

Researchers argue there needs to be an underground source of heat for liquid water to exist underneath the planet's south polar ice cap, as predicted by a previous study.

Study Suggests Prospect of Recent Underground Volcanism on Mars

The Martian South Pole. A new study in Geophysical Research Letters argues there needs to be an underground source of heat for liquid water to exist underneath the polar ice cap.

A study published  last year in the journal Science suggested liquid  water is present beneath the south polar ice cap of Mars. Now, a new study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters argues there needs to be an underground source of heat for liquid water to exist underneath the polar ice cap.

The new research does not take sides as to whether the liquid water exists. Instead, the authors suggest recent magmatic activity- the formation of a magma chamber within the past few hundred thousand years - must have occurred underneath the surface of Mars for there to be enough heat to produce liquid water underneath the kilometer and a half thick ice cap.  On the flip side,the study's authors argue that if there was not recent magmatic activity underneath the surface of Mars, then there is not likely liquid water underneath the ice cap.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The latest stories from Science News for Students

The latest stories from Science News for Students

The latest stories from Science News for Students

Science News for Students is an award-winning, free online magazine that reports daily on research and new developments across scientific disciplines for  inquiring minds of every age-from middle school on up.

This re writable paper depends on disappearing ink
Have you ever  made a mistake on something you printed from a computer? That paper probably went right into the recycling bin. Now you can erase your mistake and reuse that first sheet of paper. Scientists at Fijian Normal University in Fuzhou, China, coated one side of a regular sheet of printer paper with a heat-sensitive ink. A heated pen or printer makes the ink's blue color disappear, revealing the white paper below. To fix any errors, put the paper in the freezer and the ink will turn blue again. Words and pictures can remain visible on the paper for at least six months.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Science-based targets scheme tightens rules in line with latest science

Science-based targets scheme tightens rules inline with latest science

Science-Based targets scheme tightens rules in line with latest science

Influential initiative updates approach for assessing if corporate carbon targets are in line with 1.5 C and well below 2 C' warming goals

Corporate striving for 'best in class' sustainability strategies will have to meet tougher criteria to gain approval from the Science-Based Targets Initiative.

The body, which  independently assesses corporate carbon reduction targets to ensure they are in line with the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, said yesterday it had updated its materials for 1.5 C targets to bring them in line with the latest guidance from the landmark report last year.

The October paper made headlines around the  world for its stark assessment of the severe impacts more than 1.5 C of warming would have is to be any chance of avoiding higher levels of warming.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Antarctic flies protect fragile eggs with 'antifreeze'

Antarctic flies protect fragile eggs with 'antifreeze'

Antarctic flies protect fragile eggs with 'antifreeze'

The good thing about the short Antarctic summer is it's a lot like a Midwest winter.

But for wingless flies, that's also the bad thing about Antarctic summers. The flies and their eggs must contend with an unpredictable pattern of alternating mild and bitterly cold days.

University of Cincinnati biologist Joshua Benoit traveled to this land of the Midnight Sun to learn how Antarctica's only true insect can survive constant freezing and thawing. He found that the midges have surprising adaptations for life wintry realm.

Benoit and his students presented their findings in January at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology conference in Tampa, Florida.

At some point in their evolution the little midge lost their wings -- possibly to cope with notorious Antarctic winds. Since they eat abundant algae and never travel far from where they're hatched the flies don't need to fly.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dead Humpback Whale Found in Amazon Jungle!

Dead Humpback Whale Found in Amazon Jungle! Scientists are Figuring How it got there

The Dead Humpback Whale Found in Amazon Jungle Scientists are Figuring How it got there
Dead humpback whales washing ashore the beaches is not something novel but it is a definite mystery when a 36 feet whale was found in the middle of Amazon jungle. About 15 feet away from its natural habitat in the ocean, scientists too are shocked at how the dead mammal ended up in the jungle. What is even more mysterious is the massive creature also did not have any wounds. The massive mammal was discovered when vultures were seen flying above the jungle areas. A video then started circulating online which showed the dead humpback mammal in the middle of the Amazon. Dead Sperm Whale with 6 kg Plastic Waste Inside Stomach including cups, flip-flops and bottles found in Indonesia National Park.

The deep-sea marine animal was near the island of Marajo off the Araruna Beach, at the mouth of the Amazon River. Soon a group of 10 biologists from Brazil's Bic ho D'agua Institute headed there to study more and trace how did it come in the jungle in the first place. The only explanation that is given right now is that a high tide must have thrown the whale into the woods. 145 Whales found dead on Steward Island in New Zealand;What is Whale Stranding?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Great white shark genome decoded

Great white shark genome decoded

The great white shark genome decoded

The great white shark is one  of the most recognized  marine creatures on Earth, generating widespread public fascination and media attention, including spawning one  of the most successful movies in Hollywood history. This shark possesses notable characteristics, including its massive size and diving to nearly 4,000 foot depths. Great whites are also a big conservation concern given their relatively low numbers in the world's oceans.

In a major scientific step to understand the biology of this iconic apex predator and sharks in general, the entire genome of the white shark has now been decoded in detail.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hubble helps uncover origin of Neptune's smallest moon Hippo camp

Hubble helps uncover origin of Neptune's smallest moon Hippo camp

Hubble helps uncover origin of Neptune's smallest moon Hippo camp

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, along with order data from the Voyager 2 probe, have revealed more about the origin of Neptune's smallest moon. The moon, which was discovered in 2013 and has now received the official name Hippo camp, is believed to be a fragment of its larger neighbor Proteus.

A team of astronomers, led by Mark Show alter of the SETI Institute, have used the NASA/ESA Hubble space Telescope to study the origin of the smallest known moon orbiting the planet Neptune, discovered in 2013.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Ecosystem changes following loss of great white sharks

Ecosystem changes following loss of great white sharks

The Ecosystem changes of great white sharks

A new study has documented unexpected consequence following the decline of great white sharks from an area off South Africa. The study found that the disappearance of great whites has led to the emergence of seven sharks, a top predator from a different habitat. A living fossil, seven gill sharks closely resemble relatives from the Jurassic period, unique for having seven gills instead of the typical five in most other sharks.

These findings are part of a long-term collaborative study between shark researcher Neil Hammerstein from the University of Miami. Rosenstial School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and wildlife naturalist Chris Fallows from Apex Shark Expeditions.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Bali volcano eruption: Agung and Batur are connected

Bali volcano eruption: Agung and Batur are CONNECTED-scientists warn of huge eruption 

The Bali volcano eruption Agung and Batur

TWO volcano's in Bali are connected by the same 'plumbing' system, scientists have discovered, and there are fears it could cause a MAJOR eruption in the future.

Experts from the University of Bristol found that Bali's deadly Mt Agung is connected to the nearby volcano, Batur. They were analyzing Mt Agung after it erupted in 2017, forcing 100,000 people to leave their homes. Two months prior to this eruption, there was a sharp uptake in earthquake activity in the region. This was also the case when Agung previously erupted in 1963, killing almost 2,000 people.

Friday, February 15, 2019

How the brain enables us to rapidly focus attention

How the brain enables us to rapidly focus attention

The brain enabled us to rapidly focus attention

University of Queensland researchers have discovered a key mechanism in the brain that may underlie our ability to rapidly focus attention.

Our brains are continuously bombarded with information from the senses, yet our level of vigilance to such input varies, allowing us to selectively focus on one conversation and not another. 

Professor Stephen Williams of the Queensland Brain Institute at explains, "If we want to give our full concentration, something happens in the brain to enable us to focus and filter out distractions."

Discovery of recent Antarctic ice sheet collapse raises fears of a new global flood

Discovery of recent Antarctic ice sheet 

Collapse raises fears of a new global flood

Discovery of recent Antarctic ice sheet collapse raises fears of a new global flood

Some 125,000 years ago, during the last brief warm period between ice ages, Earth was a wash. Temperatures during this time, called the Eemain were barely higher than in today's greenhouse-warmed world. Yet proxy records show sea levels were 6 to 9 meters higher than they are today, drowning huge swaths of what is now dry land.

Scientists have now identified the source of all that water a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.  Glaciologist worry about the present-day stability of this formidable ice mass. Its base lies below sea level, at risk of being undermined by warming ocean waters and glaciers fringing it are retreating fast. The discovery, teased out of a sediment core and reported last week at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington, D.C., validates those concerns,  providing evidence that the ice sheet disappeared in the recent geological past under climate conditions similar to today's. "We had an absence of evidence," says Andres Carlson, a glacial geologist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, who led the work. I think we have evidence of absence now.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

We've Never Seen Something Like This Orbiting The Sun

"We've Never Seen Something Like This Orbiting The Sun": Ultima Thule Is Still Weird

We've Never Seen Something Like This Orbiting The Sun

The most distant object our species has ever visited, a space rock called 2014, is less snowman shaped than scientists previously thought.

NASA flew its New Horizons probe by the rock, which is nicknamed Ultima Thule and located 4 billion miles from Earth, on New Years Day. 

New Horizons flew within 2,200 miles, travelling at a speed of 32,200 mph. The fly by gave scientists the opportunity to collect photos and information about the rock that they hope will help solve some long standing mysteries about the solar system's 4.5 billion years of history. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

The north magnetic pole just changed

 The north magnetic pole just changed

North magnetic pole







Magnetic north just changed. Here's what that means.The foundation of many navigation systems, the World Magnetic Model finally got a much-needed update with the end of the U.S. government shutdown.
Magnetic north has never sat still. In the last hundred years or so, the direction in which our compasses steadfastly point has lumbered ever northward, driven by Earth's churning liquid outer core some 1,800 miles beneath the surface. Yet in recent years, scientists noticed something unusual: Magnetic north's routine plod has shifted into high gear, sending it galloping across the Northern Hemisphere-and no one can entirely explain why.

The changes have been so large that scientists began working on an emergency update for the World
Magnetic Model, the mathematical system that lays the foundations for navigation, from cell phones and ships to commercial airlines. But then the U.S. government shut down, placing the model's official release on hold, as Nature News First Reported earlier this year.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Hubble Reveals Dynamic Atmospheres of Uranus, Neptune

Hubble Reveals Dynamic Atmospheres of Uranus, Neptune

The Hubble Reaveals Dynamics

During its routine yearly monitoring of the weather on our solar system's outer planets, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a new mysterious dark storm on Neptune and provided a fresh look at a long-lived storm circling around the north polar region on Uranus. 

Like Earth, Uranus and Neptune have seasons, which likely drive some of the features in their atmospheres. But their seasons are much longer than on Earth, spanning decades rather than months.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Distant volcano could turn latest lunar eclipse dark red

Distant volcano could turn latest lunar eclipse dark red

The distant volcano latest lunar eclipse dark red 






 On the evening of January 20 to 21, the entire Western Hemisphere will be treated to a more-than-hour-long sky show: a total eclipse of the moon. The eruption of a volcano half a world  away could make this particular event especially colorful-as a deep red.

Total lunar eclipses aren't rare. They happen somewhere across the globe once a year or so. But not everybody can see them. People have to be on the night side of  Earth to catch the dark shadow fall over  the moon face.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Rapidly receding glaciers on Baffin Island reveal long covered Arctic landscapes

Rapidly receding glaciers on Baffin Island reveal long covered Arctic landscapes 

 island image

The study, published  today in the journal Nature Communications uses radiocarbon dating to determine the ages of plants collected at the edges of 30 ice caps on Baffin Island, west of Greenland.
The island has  experienced significant summertime warming in recent decades.

"The Arctic is currently warming two to three times faster than the rest of the globe, so naturally, glaciers and ice caps are going to react faster," said Simon Pendleton, lead author and a doctoral researcher in Cu Boulder's Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Moon's craters reveal recent spike in outer space impacts on Earth.

Moon's craters reveal recent spike in outer  space impacts on Earth

It has long been thought that as the solar system grows older and stodgier, the number of comets colliding of earth and other planets has steadily gone down. But a new study reveals what appears to be a dramatic 2.5 times increase in the number of impacts striking  earth in the past 300 millions years.

Earth's surface is dotted with impact craters from the past billions years, but old craters are rarer than younger ones, a bias attributed to the crust - eating churn of plate tectonics, volcanic and erosion. But  looking at the moon which doesn't deal with the same forces but faces the same bombardment can probe the past of both bodies.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Non Equilibrium


In solution chemistry and biochemistry the Gibbs free energy decrease is commonly used as a surrogate for the entropy produced by spontaneous chemical reactions is situations where there is no work being done; or at least no useful work, i.e., other than perhaps some ± P dV. The assertion that all spontaneous reactions have a negative is merely a restatement of the fundamental thermodynamic relation, giving it the physical dimensions of energy and somewhat obscuring its significance in terms entropy. When there is no useful work being done, it would be less misleading to use the Legendre transforms of the entropy appropriate for constant T, or for constant T and P the  Massive functions F/T and −G/T respectively. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Metals And Non Metals

Physical Properties of Metals And Non Metals

Have you ever observed a blacksmith beating an iron piece or an article made up of iron like a spade, a shovel, an axes, etc? Do you find a change in the shape of these articles on beating? Would you expect a similar change if we try to a wood log?
The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is  called malleability.  The property of metal by which they can be drawn into wires is called ductility.
The metals that produce a sound on striking a hard surface are said to be sonorous.
The materials which are generally hard lustrous, malleable, ductile, sonorous and good conductor of electricity are called metals. Examples of metals are iron, copper, aluminium, magnesium etc.
The material like coal, sulphur are soft and dull in appearance, breakdown into powdery mess on tapping  with hammer, are not sonorous and are poor  conductor of heat and electricity. These material are called  non metals. Examples of non metal are sulphur, carbon, oxygen, phosphorus etc.


Image result for plastic are poor conductorPlastics

You are aware of many  plastic articles used in our day- to - day life. Make a list of such items and their uses.
Plastic is another polymer like the synthetic fibers. Plastics have different type of arrangement of units. In some it is linear whereas in other it is crossed linked. Plastics are available in all possible shapes and sizes. The fact is that plastics are easily mountable, i.e. can be shaped in any form. Plastic can be recycled, reused, colored, melted, rolled into sheets or made into wires. That is why they                                                                                              find such a variety of uses.

Plastic Are Poor Conductors

Why there is a plastic covering around the electric wires? It is used because plastic is a poor conductor of electricity. Handles of trying pans, cookers etc. are made of plastic material because these are poor conductors of heat.

Synthetic Fibers

What Are Synthetic Fibers?

 Recall the uniform pattern found in a necklace of beads joined with  the help of a thread. Or, try  to join a number of paper clips together to make a long chain. There any similarity between the two? A synthetic fiber is also a chain of small units joined together. Each small unit is actually a chemical substance. Many such small units, combine to form a large single unit called a polymer. The word polymer has been derived from two Greek words. The word poly and mer. means 'many' and merstands for part/unit. So, a polymer is made up of many repeating units.


What Is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process.It was developed in the late 1700 in Germany. It’s common in many European countries, but it’s not quite as popular in the United States.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Chemical Affinity

Gibbs Function Or Gibbs Energy

For a "bulk" system they are the last remaining extensive variables. For an unstructured, homogeneous "bulk" system, there are still various extensive composition variables that G depends on, which specify the composition, the amounts of each chemical substances, expressed as the numbers of molecules present or the numbers of moles. 

The expression for dG is especially useful at constant T and P, conditions which are easy to achieve experimentally and which approximates the conditions in living creatures.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Chemical Energy

Chemical Energy

Chemical energy is the potential of a chemical substance to undergo a transformation through a chemical reaction or to transform other chemical substances. Making and breaking chemical bonds involves energy or heat, which may be either absorbed or evolved from a chemical system.

The energy that can be released because of a reaction between a set of chemical substances is equal to the difference between the energy content of the products and the reactant. This change in energy is called the change in internal energy of a chemical reaction.

The change in internal energy is a process which is equal to the heat change if it is measured under conditions of constant volume, as in a closed rigid container such as a bomb calorimeter. However, under conditions of constant pressure, as in reactions in vessels open to the atmosphere, the measured heat change is not always equal to the internal energy change, because of pressure-volume work also releases or absorbs energy. 

Another useful term is the heat of combustion, which is the energy released due to a combustion reaction and often applied in the study of fuels. 

Chemical thermodynamics

Chemical Thermodynamics

Chemical thermodynamics is the study of the interrelation of heat and work with chemical reactions or with physical changes of state within the confines of the laws of thermodynamics. Chemical thermodynamics involves not only laboratory measurements of various thermodynamic properties, but also the application of mathematical methods to te study of chemical questions and the spontaneity of processes. the structure of chemical thermodynamics is based on the first two laws of thermodynamics. starting from the first and second laws of thermodynamics, four equations called the "fundamental equations of Gibbs". From these four, a multitude of equations, relating the thermodynamic properties of the thermodynamic system. This outline the mathematical framework of chemical thermodynamics.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Magnetic Field

Definition of Magnetic Field

Magnetic Field

A magnetic field is generated when electric charge carriers such as electrons move through space or within an electrical conductor. The geometric shapes of the magnetic flux lines produced by moving charge carriers (electric current) are similar to the shapes of the flux lines in an electrostatic field.  But there are differences in the ways electrostatic and magnetic fields interact with the environment.


Nitrogen Fixation

The Nitrogen Fixation
Recall  the  bacteria Rhizome, Colostrum and Bacteriol that can fix  nitrogen present in the air. These bacteria are present in the root nodules of legumes such as bean and pea. Sometimes nitrogen gets fixed through the action of lightning. But you know that the concentration of nitrogen remains constant in the atmosphere. You may wonder how? Let us understand in next section.